Wednesday, October 7, 2009

The Beach

For the past two weeks, Garrett, Josiah, Eli and I have been visiting my sister, Kate, and her husband, Todd, in North Carolina. Unfortunately, Todd was out in the field for most of that time but we were able to keep Kate company while he was gone. On the weekend, Kate took us to the beach!

Josiah loved playing in the water and sand!

Eli didn't like the water so much! Garrett carried him for a walk along the water!

My sister, Kate, and I

Okay, I can admit that I wrote that in the sand, not Josiah. But it makes for a fun picture!

This is a picture of our third child at the beach! haha!

Eli and I walking along the beach.

We visited a fishing pier. It wasn't my favorite - it smelled. And there was pelican that was definitely thinking about attacking us!

1 comment:

The Jessie James Gang said...

Hi there! It looks like you are living the flipside of my life, with boys instead of girls! Although I never would have planned it that way, I am reaping the blessings of having them so close together and wouldn't change it now :).