Monday, January 19, 2009

Learning to Crawl

For the past couple of weeks, Eli has been rolling all over the room. I lay him in one spot, leave the room, and come back to find him in another. And so begins the frustrating month of trying to crawl. He wiggles on his belly for a while, trying to figure out how to move, only to get frustrated and start crying. I hate this time when they want to crawl but can't quite get it only to cry. 

Josiah is a wonderful big brother. He will lay down on his belly right in front of Eli and talk to him. Eli loves this and laughs everytime. Josiah's vocabulary is growing. His favorite words include "dude", "oh geesh", "no", and "Dad". I can only imagine what he will be like when he is really talking with words. 

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